Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction (the “Website”) is owned and operated by Knitmed (UK) Limited (“we”, “our” or “us”). We are committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of our users, customers and clients. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) informs you how we gather, define and use your personal information, such as your name, email address, address and other contact details (“Personal Information”). Please use this Privacy Policy to help you decide whether and how you wish to use our Website and our products and services. Please take a few moments to read it carefully.

All your Personal Information will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (the “Act”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) as it applies in the UK. If you want to know what information we collect and hold about you, please write to us at: 3 Sandringham Park, Swansea Vale, SA7 0EP, Swansea. Alternatively please email us on

Knitmed (UK) Limited is the data controller of your Personal Information for the purposes of the Act.

Any other questions we haven’t answered?

Use our online contact form here to ask us any questions.